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The "In-person" Psychiatry Practice

In the COVID era, in-person psychiatry became a rare commodity. It is challenging to locate a psychiatrist that is assessable, has routine and emergency availability, is affordable and congenial.

If you’re looking for in-person ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, depression, mood and schizophrenia treatments, neuropsychological testing, individual, adolescent and adult psychotherapy, you came to the right place.

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At Hylermed We:
  • Provide In-person psychiatry for medication management
  • Treat families for a spectrum of conditions from ages 13 to mature adults
  • Can schedule emergency appointments within 72 hours
  • Screening for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Offer neuropsychological testing for autism, aptitude testing, cognitive impairment, and ADHD
  • Offer direct referral for adult and adolescent psychotherapy
  • Conduct periodic labs and regular vital signs per routine visit
  • We are a fee for service and out of network practice, so availability and affordability are paramount.

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(619) 707-1554


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